Last week, developers Blackbird Interactive announced a delay to the early access launch of their real time strategy game, Crossfire: Legion. Originally scheduled for release this month, the new early access launch will occur on May 24, 2022. Published by Prime Matter, Crossfire: Legion features real time tactical action in furious battle across a shattered version of the near future. I’ve been playtesting the game since January this year and it’s given me flashbacks of some of the Command and Conquer games over the years, as well as elements of StarCraft 2.

Blackbird Interactive stated on a post on their Steam page:
“Delayed, but don’t be dismayed, there are good reasons for this. This is a tough call, but we have had such a wealth of feedback from players during our Technical Test and Demo that we can now more comfortably implement these changes. This ranges from squashing bugs to optimising graphical performance.
Unfortunately, we must cancel the free play test (originally planned for April 21st) so that we can continue to focus on all the players feedback. And so while our current priority is getting the game ready for Early Access, once that’s released we can assess the possibility of a platform for free tests afterwards.”

During my playtests, which have been limited to just playing solo games versus the AI, there have been a few AI inconsistencies and ways to ‘ez-mode’ some enemy maneuvers but outside of those issues I faced, the game has been a lot of fun to play and certainly hits on some nostalgia for me. There are three factions, Global Risk, Black List and New Horizon, all of which have a commander and seven playable units. I straight away recognised the voice of character Adam Jensen from Deus Ex, voiced by Elias Toufexis. That certainly helped me get stuck into learning each faction’s units and how the AI used them against me to eventually be able to win some games against them.
The developers also gave us a revised Road to Early Access with a developers vision interview scheduled for April 28, an introduction on May 5 to a new game mode called PayLoad, details around new units and commanders will come on May 12 and more as we head towards early access launch on May 24. I’m looking forward to the launch, especially to see the first glimpses of the single player campaign that I’m most excited for as well as co-op scenarios. Keep an eye on their website and socials for the most up to date news.