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Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 – Submarines DLC Review

Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 – Submarines DLC is as expected more of the same, similar to the previous Warships DLC but with extra complexity to spice it up. You’ll continue upgrading your tools to disassemble the progressively harder ship components and wind your way through the labyrinthine submarines to disassemble them in more convoluted ways than has been required previously. The submarines look more impressive than usual in my opinion, particularly the foreboding cross section of the Kursk.

Much like the Warships DLC, the Submarines DLC feels cooler than the base game for no reason other than that it is military ships, whether they be World War 2 era like the I-400 with its floatplane hangar, or the Cold War era Kursk and its sleek black hull. There are three new ships in the DLC – the I-400, Kursk and Ohio submarines.

Disassembly is substantially more complex now it feels like. The combination of nuclear material, electric hazards, mazelike corridors, unique disassembly problems and the desire to preserve more numerous expensive heavy components that need the crane, results in needing to think a bit before just randomly smashing things apart. Speaking of the crane; at one point near the end, I queued up about a dozen crane jobs and had to wait for quite a while as they were processed.

The DLC launched in a pretty buggy state which is the primary reason for its current mixed reviews on Steam. At one point I was basically locked out of playing unless I restarted my career which of course wasn’t going to happen, so had to wait a week until it was fixed. There have also been a number of problems with the submarines preventing full disassembly or preventing progression altogether. These have been consistently fixed and gameplay smoothed out however and the game is currently in a good state, with only very rare components that won’t disassemble and require a bomb to resolve.

If you like the base game and want more, I highly recommend this Submarines DLC now that the technical issues have mostly been resolved. The theme of military submarines combined with the more complex disassembly is a great addition and provides ample content for a reasonably low price.

This review utilised a key provided by Gameparic and Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 – Submarines DLC is available now for $AU11.79 ($US7.99) on Steam.

Jobs done!

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